Server install and upgrade planning
Our London-based IT consultants work with you to understand your server infrastructure and identify the most efficient solution.
- Reduce inefficiency
- Mitigate risks
- Increase cost-effectiveness
Servers are the driving force of your IT estate and as such can represent a significant investment. This investment is in the initial cost, but also in running costs and time spent maintaining the server. Unless you’re just starting out in business, you are likely to have one or more servers; our experience tells us that many firms attempt to maintain aging hardware long after an upgrade was sensible. If you haven’t reviewed your server infrastructure in a while, it may be not be serving your requirements. Likewise, it may in fact be draining time and money from your business.
A comprehensive review
If you are concerned about the efficiency and effectiveness of your servers, contact ITD today. Our highly experienced, London-based consultants can perform a comprehensive review of the situation.
- Efficiency. Are your servers still running optimally? Is there any obsolescence in the hardware? Are you still getting value for money from running costs?
- Management. Do you proactively monitor your server keep it well-maintained? When did you last receive feedback from your IT department or current support provider?
- Recovery. Is an appropriate backup strategy in place? How do you store your backups? Does this meet the standards of your IT security policy? Is your business continuity plan adequate for your current infrastructure? Have you updated it recently to reflect the age and condition of any physical servers you have?
- Type. Are you deploying the most appropriate type of server? Is a physical server taking up unnecessary space in a small office? Would a Cloud-based server be more suitable for your future growth plans?
Our review of your existing infrastructure looks at your firm type and, most importantly, your future plans for growth. For example, a firm with plans for rapid expansion might be much better off with a flexible, scalable server model. On the other hand, a small established firm with no major change plans might happily stay with traditional physical servers.
Expert recommendations
Once we have completed your review, we will present our recommendations. Before we make a recommendation, we will consider efficiency, management and disaster recovery requirements. These considerations allow us to come up with a target operating model for your server estate.
Our expert consultants will present you with options for Cloud-based, physical, virtual or hybrid server models. When we present the options, we’ll talk you through which will best meet your requirements. Once you’ve come to a decision, ITD can design and implement the new solution. For example, we will procure any necessary hardware and liaise with third party providers on your behalf. We want to make sure your server infrastructure is cost-effective and suits the requirements of your workforce and clients.
In conclusion, a review of your server infrastructure could end up saving your business time and money. Call ITD today on 020 7648 4866 for a fixed price quotation.